Transflo Mobile
Manage your whole workday – anywhere, anytime! E-Logs, loads, documents, & more.
With TRANSFLO, carriers will be well informed with the condition of every vehicle in their fleet. It will lend to a more accurate and efficient way to track repairs. The necessity to become compliant with vehicle inspection requirements will become easier. You will no longer have a messy paperwork trail, but instead have electronic documents that are easily accessible such as maintenance records, road side inspections, permits and warranty information.
Workflow can be implemented in a multitude of ways to help manage and streamline vehicle maintenance tasks. With our maintenance solutions, carriers can set up auto inspection alerts and maintenance schedules, create audit trails and approval process for repair orders. By automating these tasks and schedules your maintenance teams can better predict, manage and prioritize maintenance schedules.
When inspections take place on a vehicle, data is sent directly to TRANSFLO where it is processed through and the data is populated to an actual Vehicle Inspection Report. The report is immediately stored in the imaging system enabling carriers to stay compliant and have readily available documents that are required by the Department of Transportation (DOT).