The key to a good relationship is communication; ask any couple with a healthy relationship and this is likely going to be their advice. All types of relationships rely on both parties to do their part. This is the case for professional relationships as well, including one between a freight broker (or 3PL professional) and the carriers they do business with…
The Transflo team met to discuss this topic and research what appeared on many top-10 lists of best practices for working with freight brokers. Some great examples came from LinkedIn and SupplyChainBeyond, both mentioning how communication is vital to managing these relationships. But this creates another question…. What exactly is “good communication”?
After all, what was “good” yesterday may not necessarily be “good” today. The truth about Broker/Carrier communications is that it needs an overhaul; and a new processes for sending and receiving information. In fact, many brokers today are achieving better communication by eliminating traditional check calls…let me explain.
I’m not suggesting brokers are ditching their smart phones, that’s absurd…rather, they’re using them more strategically by:
If you’re wondering where you can find these types of solutions, we can help get you pointed in the right direction! Transflo’s Velocity+ team specializes in freight broker processes and supply chain solutions. Contact us for a complimentary demo and advice today.