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                            Transflo BETA Program for Workflow AI – Carriers

                            Transflo is now accepting BETA applications for our new Workflow AI™ platform. Apply to experience our latest AI-powered document automation. Become a direct voice for the future of our products. To accept this invitation, please fill out the form below, and a Transflo team member will contact you with next steps.

                            Apply Here
                            Apply Here
                            AI Brain

                            What to expect with the Workflow AI™ BETA program.

                            The Transflo BETA program provides select customers with a unique look into products that are nearing readiness for production. As a participant in the program, you will be enrolled for 3 months of cost-free use of Workflow AI for Carriers. In exchange, we ask members to participate in a variety of tests. This includes in-app feedback submissions, and occasional interviews on the usability and functionality of the product. At the end of the 3-month term, our BETA testers will be invited to continue their services at an exclusive discounted rate.

                            Key Benefits: 

                            • Reduce the time from load delivery to invoice. 
                            • Automate manual and redundant tasks. 
                            • Get closer to a paperless trucking future. 


                            What to look forward to with the new Workflow AI™: 

                            • Advanced document identification, extraction, and exception handling 
                            • Modern UI/UX based on your load identifiers  
                            • Robust automation and export options