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                            Transflo Now Offering Free Access to Mobile+ App to Help Drivers Stay Compliant During Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine

                               TAMPA, Fla. (May 20, 2019)—Transflo will now offer its industry first Spotted Lanternfly premium app feature free of charge. Fleets and owner-operators without a Transflo-compatible transportation management system (TMS), can now access this premium feature designed to help drivers stay compliant during the ongoing quarantine. “This is a way for owner-operators and small fleets, which are at the heart of the agricultural community and typically do not use a TMS, to take advantage of this premium feature at no cost to them,” said Doug Schrier Vice President of Product and Innovation. “We want to help all Transflo Mobile+ users comply with the latest Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture quarantine orders and reduce the risk of spreading this destructive species.” Last week, Transflo announced that fleets can have the main menu of their Transflo Mobile+ app upgraded to include a “Spotted Lanternfly” button which provides access to current regulations, photos of the insect, and one-touch reporting to agricultural authorities. It also directs users to information about the training and certification process that all businesses must undergo to move goods to, from, or within a spotted lanternfly quarantine zone. Drivers and fleets with the Transflo Mobile+ app on their device can go straight to: Profile/Settings > Fleets > Add new fleet. Then, enter the following recipient ID: BUGBGONE. If you don’t have the Transflo Mobile+ app, simply download it for free in the Google Play or Apple App Store. The spotted lanternfly spreads by hitching a ride on vehicles. The insect threatens billions of dollars of agricultural commodities in Pennsylvania and neighboring states. To learn more about the spotted lanternfly, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture at For information about how to add the Spotted Lanternfly feature to Transflo Mobile+, visit

                            About Transflo

                            Transflo® from Pegasus TransTech is a leading mobile, telematics, and business process automation provider to the transportation industry in the United States and Canada. Transflo’s mobile and cloud-based technologies deliver real-time communications to fleets, brokers, and commercial vehicle drivers, and digitize 500 million shipping documents a year, representing approximately $54 billion in freight bills. Organizations throughout the Transflo client and partner network use the solution suite to increase efficiency, improve cash flow and reduce costs. Headquartered in Tampa, Florida, USA, Transflo is setting the pace for innovation in transportation software. For more information, visit

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